The Awaken Podcast with Natasja Pelgrom

Natasja with Galitta Tassa on Ancestor Work, Journey to Work with the Four Voices and Raising Our Consciousness

Natasja Pelgrom Episode 32

Meet Galitta Tassa grew up with strong tribal traditions and her own journey took her through European as an artist, voice sound healer, singer-songwriter, and a transformational coach who helps people who want to make a difference to find their authentic voice and inner power so they can lead their lives on their own terms and make a mark in the world.

She is an inspiring force for creative expression and personal development.

As a healer, Galitta is a certified practitioner of Theta Healing and Reconnective Healing and has practiced since 2000, Sound Healing and Shamanism. Galitta is an inspiring force in the world of artistic expression and personal development.

Galitta’s tribal heritage, prolific artistic range, and entrepreneurial drive led her to produce events, performances, and initiatives to inspire people to empower themselves using her Four Voices™ method which is based on Shamanic principles and creative arts.

Galitta led hundreds of events and workshops in Europe, inspiring countless numbers of people to find their voice and live a conscious life.

In this episode Galitta discusses:

  • Our ancestors stories and journeys and how they influence our present life.
  • Working with your lineage, and Galitta’s Yemen and Cohen ancestors
  • How to approach your ancestry if you do not agree with their stands and past actions
  • Guided shamanic practice on calling your ancestors till seven generations back
  • Journey of stepping into your own medicine
  • Working with collective trauma
  • The Power of our voice to heal and empower us
  • The Journey to work with the Four Voices starts with our yin and yang, the inner and outer world.
  • Why the creative and healing arts are so powerful and needed to raise our vibration and how.
  •  Our collective voice and our power to raise consciousness on the planet.
  • Working with light language 
  • How our children are our teachers


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