The Awaken Podcast with Natasja Pelgrom

Natasja's Solo Episode on Rites of Passage: Navigating Change and Transformation

Natasja Pelgrom Season 3 Episode 45

Welcome to The Awaken Podcast, hosted by Natasja Pelgrom. Join us on an exploration of profound topics encompassing self-discovery, conscious leadership, and personal growth. After a brief hiatus, Natasja returns with fresh insights and a renewed sense of purpose.

Through solo episodes and engaging discussions, we'll embark on a journey that blends ancestral wisdom with modern self-leadership principles. You'll uncover valuable tools to navigate life's complexities, embrace moments of stillness, and work towards manifesting your dream life.

Natasja's guiding quote, "The work is rewarded by the gifts you receive in silence," sets the tone for this transformative season. In this episode, Natasja embarks on a transformative journey with, 'Rites of Passage: Navigating Change and Transformation.' Exploring the significance of these age-old rituals in both traditional societies and modern psychedelic experiences, and gaining unique insights into navigating life's transitions in today's changing world. Join us for a profound exploration of transformation on The Awaken Podcast.

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Living in Ceremony, Embracing the Sacred in Everyday Life:

In this episode Natasja refers to:

1. Eliade, Mircea. "Rites and Symbols of Initiation: The Mysteries of Birth and Rebirth." HarperOne, 2004.

2. Turner, Victor. "The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure." Aldine Transaction, 1969.

3. James L. Carroll, Egyptian Craft Guild Initiations

4. Richard G. Geldard, Eleusis: The Secret and Meaning of the Mysteries

5. Iordanis Poulkouras, The Eleusinian Mysteries

6. Byron Stuhlman, The Rites of Christian Initiation: The Evolution and Interpretation

7. Arnold van Gennep, Les Rites de Passage 

8. Documentary  "Rize." Directed by David LaChapelle

9. Mircea Eliade "Rites and Symbols of Initiation," 

10.Joseph Campbell's "The Hero With a Thousand Faces"

11. Maureen Murduck "The Heroine's Journey: Woman's Quest for Wholeness," 

12. . Studies like "Going to College and Unpacking Hazing" (2005) and "The Anticipation of a Severe Initiation" (2005) 

13. “Frat House” 1998 documentary directed by Todd Phillips and Andrew Gurland

14. The Awaken Podcast: Elizabeth Bast on the four pillars of Iboga  

15. Aldous Huxley's novel "Island"

16. Ram Dass, Timothy Leary, and Ralph Metzner "The Psychedelic Experience," 

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